How today echoes astrological themes of the American Revolution and the Enlightenment

The American Revolution is officially recognized as starting on April 19, 1775. On that day, Pluto, the planet of transformation, was at 26 degrees of Capricorn. Algol, a fixed star of dangerous reputation, was at approximately 22 degrees of Taurus. Neptune, planet of mysticism, dreams, and higher realms, was at 20 degrees of Virgo. Chiron, a teacher and someone unable to heal himself, was at 13 degrees of Aries. It was an astrological soup further exacerbated by Jupiter at 21 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter always likes to stir up the mix and make everything bigger.

The energies listed above tells me a few things about the time in which the Revolution took place: the structure was going to transform. The Enlightenment, which is the period in time when the American Revolution took place, was about awakening from the manipulations of the Catholic Church, rationalism over mysticism, equality over social castes, and putting God in perspective.The universal spirit of individuals was moving towards the belief in individual capabilitiy, and if one believed that, what did a person need a Pope or a King for?

A new structure was born into the world with the American Revolution, and the colonists generated a new vision of themselves as a new nation and citizens within it. The Protestant Reformation had opened the door for this questioning, and the Enlightenment gave men and women the possibility of acting from the belief in the equality of individuals. Humans had begun to see and relate to themselves as capable individually, and as such, the world was seen and acted upon differently. With Jupiter sitting practically on top of Algol at the time, the violent nature of Algol was expanded quickly. The children of the Enlightenment first declared war with Britain and then declared independence in the United States in 1776.

Just like an individual, countries have to go through a process of growth and readdressing issues that are not resolved within their own history. Interestingly enough, Pluto is coming home to the same position he occupied on April 19, 1775 – 26 degrees of Capricorn in January 2022. He has already been making aspects to this degree over the last couple of years.

Warning, the following is a conversation about January 6, 2021. Whatever side of the political aisle you sit on, this conversation demonstrates how the events that took place in America reflect the astrological energy.

If this issue heats you up, drink some water, close the computer, and skip it.

We started to feel what this Pluto return could bring on January 6, 2021, during the advance on the American Capitol by U.S. Citizens. That morning, the former President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, made a speech stating the 2020 presidential election results were incorrect and fradulent. There is debate about who was responsible for what happened next. Bottom line: the situation devolved. Citizens who disagreed with the outcomes of the presidential race stormed the Capitol in protest. Members of Congress were rushing out of the Capitol as citizens of the United States of America were rushing in. In perhaps the most unintentionally accurate portrayal of Mars in Taurus of all time, a man was photographed in front of the Capitol in full war paint, bare-chested, wearing a giant pair of bull horns. Mars transitioned into Taurus later that evening. Talk about your cosmic coincidences.

Looking back 10 months later, it was an event that has further divided the nation against itself politically. Joe Biden was still sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, and the guy in the war paint and bull’s horns was recently granted his request to eat organic meals while in prison. Uranus in Taurus is really at his finest weirdness with that decision.

The astrology of January 6, 2021, had started to mimic the astrology of April 19, 1775, but it wasn’t exact. Pluto had begun to return to his position on that day, while Neptune was moving into an opposition with his original position back in 1775. Chiron had returned to the sign of Aries, where he was positioned in 1775 as well. What will happen when Pluto lines up back at 26 degrees of Capricorn which it is timed to do right around January 3/January 4, 2022?

Neptune will be at 20 degrees Pisces in early January 2022, directly opposite his 20 degrees Virgo placing in 1775, while the North Node will rest at 29 degrees of Taurus, having just gone over the home position of Algol. While Pluto rests at 26 degrees Capricorn, Chiron is back in Aries at 8 degrees. It’s an echo in astrological time, to some extent, and Algol’s bell will have just been rung by the North Node, similar to how Jupiter had done it back in 1775.

Where does this leave the U.S.A.?The future is determined by what actions we take. What will our actions be? Since the pandemic, as a nation we have had to begin addressing our collective ideas on government, money, resources, control, and power. Pluto in Capricorn is comfortable swirling around the money, control, and power issues. Meanwhile, Uranus in Taurus is stirring the pot on resources, food, money, comfort, and change. I think it is possible that we will find ourselves, once again, having to restructure our governing structures. We are also struggling with the ideals of the Enlightenment that were incorporated into those structures. We are looking at the disparity between the ideals our nation was founded on versus the reality of how we are as a nation during this Pluto return. We are finding where we failed historically, and where we continue to not meet those ideals.

Taxes, lack of equality, the issue of trade, financial stability, struggles between civilians and the military, and poor leadership were driving factors in the American Revolution. And…well, here we are again in 2021, and Americans are arguing about poor leadership, taxes, the issue of trade, financial stability, struggles between civilians and the police, and lack of equality. Only, the “Big Bad” in this season of our country isn’t England, it’s ourselves.

America is addressing what we value, what we say we value, and how we are being, and we are finding all of the flaws. We don’t know how to make it better, because we can’t agree on how to resolve it. Chiron in Aries asks us, in these times, to be brave while applying wisdom to action, because the internal healing process is slow. The wound cannot be expunged upon identification. That’s an important concept to consider in regards to the past, too: it cannot be expunged, but we can learn from it.

Chiron in Aries asks us to take actions towards healing. You cannot heal backwards, but you can learn what to do to promote health now and take actions for future health.

With Uranus in Taurus, we are being forced to look at how we make money, how we grow food, what we eat, how we manage and how we manage meeting our basic needs. Uranus is telling us it must change. We don’t know what that change will look like yet, but we can feel the push. That’s the thing about life, it is ALWAYS changing. It is how we respond to the change that can make it harder or easier.

Is now when we ask ourselves, what are we wanting to revolutionize? What are we needing to look at collectively transforming within our nation? Neptune in Pisces is asking us to see the larger connections. Pluto is saying it must transform, while Uranus is telling us it’s going to change, whether or not we like it. While I do not have the answers, I will always urge that we create from a position of possibility rather than one of anger.

With much love and light,
Your Favorite Scorpio Astrologer

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